Have you ever asked yourself why so many people quit diets? Why do people quit the gym? Is it because their bodies are telling them to quit? According to Orrin Woodward & Claude Hamilton it’s mind over body. Because when it comes down to it, the mind does control the body in all areas of our life. So therefore, it’s not our body that is telling us to quit, it is our mind. And in today’s society we have developed a “quitting is ok” type of mentality. That my friends is not the right track to be on!
Over the past couple days in Columbus, Ohio, the LIFE business held its Spring Leadership Convention. They have launched what they call their “flagship product”..the Mental Fitness Challenge. What the speakers explained is that people quit things and don’t achieve success simply because they aren’t mentally strong or don’t have what is called mental toughness.
Well, finally, there is something out there to train your brain for success and “live the LIFE you’ve always wanted“. Watch this MFC (Mental Fitness Challenge) introductory video here;
For more information go to http://www.mental-fitness-challenge.com & you can also look at participating in changing this society and becoming a member of the compensated community.
Bye for now,
Joce Dionne